Fundraising online is a quick, secure and easy way to collect donations and help support the work of Look Good Feel Better. There are a number of different platforms you can use to collect donations and let everyone know about your fundraising progress. 

Our recommended platform is Enthuse which enables you to set up personal fundraising pages (i.e. for a challenge event you may be taking on, an event you maybe be hosting, or for birthday fundraiser). You also have the option to set up a team page if you want to fundraise collectively with friends or colleagues.

How to set up your Enthuse fundraising page:

  1. Click the button below which will take you to our main charity page
  2. At the top of the page select either ‘Fundraise For Us’ or ‘Create a Team Page’ depending on how you wish to fundraise
  3. Follow the steps to set up your fundraising page and create your personal profile
  4. Personalise your fundraising page as much as possible, share what you’re doing to raise funds, what Look Good Feel Better means to you and why the support of your donors is so important
  5. Once your page is finished, copy the link and start sharing your page with everyone you know!

Start Fundraising

Alternative Platforms 

If you prefer, you can use platforms such as Justgiving or Give As You Live Donate and simply select Look Good Feel Better as your chosen charity. Give As You Live actually allows you to fundraise for up to 5 charities and you can choose how to split the donations!

You can also set up a fundraising page via your Facebook account. Simply go to –, login to your account and then select ‘Cosmetic, Toiletry and Perfumery Foundation’ to raise funds for Look Good Feel Better.

If you have any questions or encounter any problems setting up your fundraising page then please do get in touch by emailing [email protected] and a member of the team would be happy to help. For further guidance around using an online fundraising platform please visit the Fundraising Regulator website