Privacy Policy

At Look Good Feel Better we are committed to protecting your information and using it responsibly. Please read our policy carefully to understand how we collect, use and store your information. It also sets out your rights in relation to your information and who you can contact for more information or queries.

This policy details why we need the personal information we request when you contact us and how we will potentially use it. Developing a better understanding of the people who are in contact with the charity allows us to make more effective decisions, communicate more efficiently and ultimately enables us to help more people during and after cancer treatment.

The processing of your information is carried out by or on behalf of the Cosmetic, Toiletry and Perfumery Foundation (programme name: ‘Look Good Feel Better’).

The Cosmetic, Toiletry and Perfumery Foundation is a registered charity in England and Wales (1031728) and a registered company in England and Wales (02850925).

This policy has been written in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018.  If you have any questions about the Privacy Policy and how we use your information please contact us:

Look Good Feel Better
West Hill House
32 West Hill
KT19 8JD,
[email protected]
01372 747 500

1. Who this privacy Policy applies to and what it covers

At Look Good Feel Better we are committed to protecting your privacy.

This Privacy Policy sets out how we collect, handle, store and protect information about you when you visit and use our Website or interact with us over the ‘phone, in person, on paper or through another medium, for example by email. It should be read alongside our Cookies Policy.

When we refer to “our website” or “this website” we mean the webpages of  In this Privacy Policy, we may also sometimes collectively refer to handling, collecting, protecting and storing your personal information as “processing” such information.

Our website may contain links to other websites that are not operated by us and outside our control. These websites are not covered by this Privacy Policy and if you access them using the links provided, the operators of these websites may collect information about you.

We encourage you to review the Privacy Policy on each of these websites (which may differ from ours) before disclosing any personal information.

2. What information we collect

We collect information about you when you give it to us.  For example, you enquire about our services, fundraising activities; make a donation; make an enquiry; purchase one of our products; tell us your story; attend one of our workshops; or if you otherwise provide us with personal information (such as, in person, over the phone, on paper, by text or email).

In some cases, we also collect information because other organisations legitimately provide that information to us.  For example, when someone supports us, information will be collected by an organisation (for example Enthuse, JustGiving, Virgin Money Giving,) where it is legally permissible for them to share information with us if consent has been given)

In addition to the above, we typically collect personal information  because we observe or infer that information from the way you interacts with Look Good Feel Better. For example, we may use cookies and web beacons on our Website so as to automatically collect information about your visit. This information will help to improve your experience when using this Website and ensure that it is functioning correctly. Please see our Cookies Policy for more details.

The information about you which we collect or obtain typically includes the following details about you: name, date of birth, age, gender, email address, postal address, telephone numbers; country of residence;); credit/debit card details; information on why you decided to donate to Look Good Feel Better; and your postings on any blogs, personal story pages, forums and any other social media applications and services we provide. This information can be collected through online registration to our workshops, face-to-face communications, offline registration forms, online forms or through third party providers working on our behalf such as Enthuse, Eventbrite.  If you visit our Website, we also generally gather information about you based on the way in which you access and use our Website. In particular, we gather information about which pages on our Website users visit most often. We also usually track popular links on Look Good Feel Better’s emails and collect information on individuals’ IP address; browser and device type; device settings; language; access times and durations; websites you visited before and after our Website; details of how you like to interact with us and similar information. We use this information to personalise the way our Website is used to improve the service we provide to you. Wherever possible we use aggregated or anonymous information which does not identify individuals.

Where you receive electronic communications from us such as emails, we also typically gather information about your use of that communication. This includes information on when you open the communication and what links you click on within it. If you unsubscribe to a communication from us, we will also adjust your preferences and retain a record of this so that we don’t contact you inappropriately.

Some of the information that we request from you is mandatory; however, if you choose not to provide some or all of the information that we request from you, we may be hindered or unable to provide you with the services or support that you seek from Look Good Feel Better.

3. How we use your personal information

We typically use your personal information:

  • To provide you with services that you have requested (the services we provide include supporting people living with cancer with online and face to face workshops).  For safety and security purposes we are obliged to share your full name, email and contact number with the workshop venue we partner with to provide our services.
  • To improve our services (for example, collecting information on who visits or uses our workshops or events in order to monitor how well our services meet people’s needs).
  • To invite you to donate to us or raise funds for us, administer your donations or support your fundraising, including processing gift aid.
  • To manage and improve our Website (including products and services provided via our Website)
  • To help us learn more about you, the products and services that you receive from Look Good Feel Better, and other products and services that may be of interest to you (including building profiles of individuals and supporter segments to help us ensure that our fundraising communications are directed to individuals who might be interested in them, and in some cases estimating your capacity and propensity to support us). We may also undertake statistical analysis of your data, to better understand your likelihood or otherwise of donating and being interested in or responsive to a campaign, appeal or event.
  • To share your experiences of cancer where you permit us to do so.
  • To deal with your enquiries and requests.
  • To offer opportunities to get involved with media activities or attend one of our events.
  • To invite you to attend events, arrange logistics and update you with relevant details around these fundraising activities.

As part of the uses above, we use your personal information in the course of any correspondence relating to products or services you requested from us or information you provided to us.  This correspondence may be with you, our service providers or competent authorities. If you enter your details onto one of our online forms, and you don’t ‘send’ or ‘submit’ the form, we will usually also contact you to see if we can help with any problems you may be experiencing with the form or our Website.

In some cases, we also use your personal information for the purposes of, or in connection with:

  • Applicable legal or regulatory requirements.
  • Requests and communications from competent authorities.
  • Financial accounting, invoicing and risk analysis purposes.
  • Prudent operational management (including credit and risk management, insurance, audit, training and similar administrative purposes).
  • Customer/donor relationship purposes, which typically involve: (i) contacting you (including by telephone, e-mail, text and by post) to receive feedback on our products and services; and (ii) contacting you for other marketing, market research or general research purposes.
  • Services we receive from our professional advisors, such as lawyers, accountants and consultants; to further our charitable aims including to fundraise.

We will only send you marketing materials according to the preferences you submitted to us – either via our Website or another medium. Where you have indicated that you do not want to receive any marketing materials and you do [email protected], call us on 013272 747500 or write to us at:

Look Good Feel Better
West Hill House
32 West Hill
KT19 8JD

If you simply wish to discontinue receiving any electronic marketing materials you receive from us, you can also use the ‘unsubscribe’ link from any of our communications.

4. Legal grounds we use for processing personal information

We are required by law to set out in this Privacy Policy the legal grounds on which we rely in order to process your personal information.

We generally use your personal information for the purposes outlined above because: (a) it is necessary for our legitimate interests and does not unduly affect your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms (see below); (b) it is necessary for legal and/or regulatory obligations that we are subject to, such as keeping records for tax purposes or providing information to a public body or law enforcement agency; (c) it is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest (such as providing support to people living with or affected by cancer); or (d) in some cases, we have obtained your prior consent

Examples of the ‘legitimate interests’ referenced above are:

  • the effective operation of the charity and its charitable causes, including analysing and gaining insights into the performance and effectiveness of our fundraising and programme activities;
  • to assess and verify any application that you submit through the Website to volunteer or work with us;
  • to prevent fraud or criminal activity, the receipt of inappropriate gifts (for which we may conduct due diligence research in line with our legal and regulatory obligations and our internal policies and procedures), misuses of our products and services, as well as the security of our IT systems, architecture and networks;
  • to exercise our rights under Article17 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, including our right to property; and
  • to conduct market research to better understand our supporters, along with their expectations and perceptions of Look Good Feel Better.

To the extent that we process any sensitive personal information relating to you for any of the purposes outlined above, we will do so because either: (a) you have given us your explicit consent to process such information; (b) the processing is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest on the basis of applicable law (for example, where we are required to process personal information to ensure we meet our ‘know your client’ and ‘anti-money laundering’ obligations); (c) the processing is necessary for the purposes of health or social care or treatment on the basis of applicable law; (d) the processing is necessary to carry out our obligations under employment, social security or social protection law; or (e) the processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims. The legal grounds for processing sensitive personal information outlined above at (a) to (e) appear at Articles 9(2)(a), 9(2)(g), 9(2)(h) 9(2)(b) and 9(2)(f) of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation respectively.

5. How we keep your data safe

We ensure that there are appropriate technical controls in place designed to protect your personal information. For example, our data and hardware are housed either in a secure data centre, which is accessed via encrypted network connections for protection, or securely in the cloud and encrypted both in transit and at rest. We undertake regular reviews of who has access to information that we hold to ensure that your information is only accessible by appropriately trained staff and contractors.

6. What locations your information is disclosed to

Section 8 below describes the third parties that we generally provide with information about you.  Some of them may be based outside the European Union (EU), including United States, Philippines, India, China and Japan. Although they may not be subject to the same data protection laws as companies based in the UK, we take steps to make sure that they provide an adequate level of protection to your personal information in accordance with our obligations under UK data protection law.

7. How we keep your personal information up to date

Where possible we endeavour to keep your information up to date and we really appreciate it if you let us know if your contact details change.

8. Who we disclose your information to

In connection with one or more of the purposes outlined in the Section 3 above, we typically share your information with:

  • Third parties that provide services to us or on our behalf. This includes third parties such as those delivering postal mail, print agencies, sending emails, analysing or collecting data, processing credit card payments, providing IT services.
  • Any third party partners that run events whereby we share registrant’s email addresses with the event organiser so that they can get in contact with the registrant directly.
  • Regulators, other competent authorities (including courts, tribunals and regulatory and law enforcement authorities) and other parties to whom we are required to disclose your personal information to by law.
  • Our professional advisors (including lawyers, accountants and consultants).
  • Credit reference agencies and other organisations that help us to make credit decisions and reduce the incidence of fraud.

9. Your data rights

You have various rights in relation to your personal information.  In particular, you have a right to:

  • ask us to delete, or stop processing, your personal information.
  • ask for a copy of the information we hold about you.
  • ask that we correct or update any discrepancies or inaccuracies in the information we hold about you.
  • withdraw consent to our processing of your personal information (to the extent such processing is based on consent)
  • object to our processing of your personal information.

If you want to exercise any of your rights, or if you have any other questions about our use of your personal information, please contact us by post to:

Data Protection Officer
Look Good Feel Better
West Hill House
32 West Hill
KT19 8JD

Or contact us by email: [email protected].

In certain circumstances we may need to seek further information about your identity before complying with your request.

Further information and guidance on subject access requests is also available from the Information Commissioner’s Office here:

If we have been unable to deal satisfactorily with any concerns you may have over how we have processed your personal information, you have the right to make a complaint to the UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office or to any other data protection regulator in the place where you live or work, or in the place where you think an issue in relation to your data has arisen. A list of the national data protection regulators can be found here:

10. Direct Marketing

Where your marketing preferences allow us to do so, we will contact you to let you know about the progress we are making and to ask for fundraising or other support.

Occasionally, where we are permitted to do so, we may include information from partner organisations or organisations who support us in these marketing communications.

Please note if you decide to turn off or disable cookies this may affect the level of service we can provide you as described in the Cookies Policy.

We aim to make it easy for you to tell us how you want us to communicate in a way that suits you. Our forms have clear marketing preference questions and we include information on how to opt out when we send you marketing communications.

If you do not want to hear from us, please let us know. You can do this when you provide your data, by ‘unsubscribing’, emailing via [email protected] or by calling us on 01372 747500 or writing to us at:

Look Good Feel Better
West Hill House
32 West Hill
KT19 8JD

11. How long we keep your personal information

We will hold your personal information on our systems for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected or to comply with legal, regulatory or internal policy requirements. In general, although there may be some limited exceptions, your personal data is kept for up to 10 years after you:

(i)             Stop receiving communications from Look Good Feel Better

(ii)            Stop receiving services from us

(iii)           Stop supporting Look Good Feel Better, either financially or via attending our events

(iv)           Last visited our Website

We believe it is reasonable to keep information and contact individual supporters up to 10 years after the above for the purposes defined in section 3 (How we use your personal information).

  • If you have used or attended a workshop, you may want, need or simply decide to use us again whether due to recurrence, continuing your relationship with Look Good Feel Better, to access support information for you or others or to donate to or volunteer in order to support others affected by cancer.
  • The information we hold about you ensures we are able to speak to you as efficiently as possible and in the way you find easiest.
  • This allows us to do things such as tailor our programmes, communications and the support we provide to you in ways you find most useful.

Limited exceptions where we may keep information for longer than the above, may include:

  • Financial information for auditing or legal purposes.
  • Keeping data to support legacy administration and work. In order for us to be able to receive the gifts our supporters leave Look Good Feel Better in their Wills, we will keep just the following information for up to 65 years based on the ages of our youngest supporters: (i) most recent and previous names and addresses, (ii) donations made, (iii) communications sent and received, (iv) legacy conversations and Will-writing appointments held and (v) legacy status (enquirer, intender, pledger).

Keeping this information enables us to communicate effectively with people potentially planning on leaving legacies, or the families of those leaving legacies. Furthermore it also helps us to better understand the donations we receive in order to further the aims of the charity.

12. Amendments

We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time.

Any future changes or additions to the processing of your personal data as described in this Privacy Policy affecting you will be communicated to you through an appropriate channel, depending on how we normally communicate with you.

Alternatively, please visit this page from time to time in order to keep up to date with the changes in our Policy.