Look Good Feel Better

Volunteer Spotlight for National Volunteers Week

Our volunteers are the backbone of our charity – and what fantastic individuals they are! Without their tremendous dedication, enthusiasm, energy and professionalism, we would not be able to help as many people as we do.  We cannot thank them enough for all their vital support and with National Volunteer Week coinciding with our own Look Good Feel Better Week, there is no better time to say ‘thank you’ to each and every one of them then now.

This month, we shine a spotlight on Rachel Hunter, a one-time beneficiary who wanted to give something back to the charity and is now lead co-ordinator of our workshops in Sheffield.

Here is Rachel’s story, in her own words, on what it means to volunteer for us:


“I was diagnosed with breast cancer back in 2018. I went through surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.  It was a tough time for sure. I lost my long hair, my lashes, brows and some of my nails too. It really is quite soul destroying when you look in the mirror and don’t recognise the person staring back at you. 

“I have always taken pride in my appearance and continued to wear make-up and dress nicely throughout my treatment. I made an effort even when I felt really poorly, because putting make-up on and dressing up just made me feel better.

“I attended a workshop as a beneficiary and just thought it was a wonderful charity. There are lots of cancer charities out there, but Look Good Feel Better is the only one that supports people through the devastating physical and emotional effects that cancer treatments have on us as cancer patients.

“I knew straight away that this was a charity I would love to be involved with. I wanted to give something back and help others going through the devastating effects of cancer treatment. As soon as I had completed my treatment I became a volunteer, starting in November 2018. I am now a lead co-ordinator of the workshops in Sheffield and find it so rewarding when the ladies say how much they have enjoyed it, and how much they have learned from the workshop.”

She adds:

“I remember one lady thanking me for giving her back her self-esteem and making her smile for the first time in along time. Feedback like that warms my heart.”

If you are inspired by Rachel and would like to find out more about volunteering, please contact us at [email protected] or visit – https://staging.lookgoodfeelbetter.co.uk/volunteer/