Duration: 2 hours
Frequency: Weekly
Cost: Free of charge

Who can attend the workshop?

Anyone with a cancer diagnosis from point of diagnosis and beyond.

What can I expect from the workshop?

This online group workshop provides you with a taster of what our Stylist experts can do to help you deal with challenges you may face around body image and confidence.

These are the key points covered:

It’s a great opportunity to meet others on a similar journey and learn some practical tips which we hope will help you implement the changes you might need to make to feel comfortable and confident in your body again.

The workshop might be particularly helpful if you are about to return to work or have a big event coming up and are keen to think about how you will dress.

After attending, you will be sent our ‘Motivational Calendar’ with some fab suggestions for implementing some of what you learned in the days ahead.

What do I need to bring to the workshop?

We provide you with the Look Good Feel Better Styling for Confidence Workbook ahead of attending the workshop and suggest you try to complete the first three sections before joining us, just to help set the scene. You will be able to complete the Workbook with information that is relevant to you when you join us on the day of the workshop. You are not asked to share any of this information – it’s a tool designed for your personal use only. 

How do I book onto a workshop?

Simply click the button below and book onto the workshop that is most convenient for you.

If you have any questions before making a booking, please email: [email protected].

Book a Workshop